The Power of Example: How Parents Training Inspires Their Kids

The Power of Example: How Parents Training Inspires Their Kids

The Power of Example: How Parents Training Inspires Their Kids

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding time for fitness can be challenging. However, when parents prioritize their health and fitness, they do more than just improve their own well-being—they set a powerful example for their children. Watching their parents train can be a inspirational experience for kids, shaping their attitudes towards health, discipline, and perseverance.

Leading by Example: The Most Effective Teacher

Children are keen observers. They learn not only from what we say but, more importantly, from what we do. When kids see their parents committing to a fitness routine, they absorb valuable lessons about the importance of physical activity. This modeling of behavior is more impactful than any lecture on the benefits of exercise.

  • Positive Habits: Seeing parents incorporate regular workouts into their lives helps children understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Consistent Routine: Observing a regular fitness schedule demonstrates the importance of consistency and dedication in achieving long-term goals.

Parents who train regularly instill a sense of normalcy around physical activity. This can foster a lifelong appreciation for fitness in their children, encouraging them to lead active and healthy lives.

  • Active Play: Parents who exercise regularly are more likely to engage in active play with their kids, promoting physical activity as a fun and enjoyable part of daily life.
  • Healthy Choices: Children of active parents are more likely to make healthy choices in other areas of their lives, such as nutrition and leisure activities.

Training often involves setting goals, facing challenges, and pushing through discomfort. When kids witness their parents navigating these aspects of fitness, they learn invaluable lessons about resilience and determination.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Watching parents struggle and persevere through tough workouts teaches kids that it's okay to face difficulties and that persistence leads to improvement.
  • Celebrating Success: Sharing the joy of achieving fitness milestones reinforces the idea that hard work pays off, a lesson that transcends the gym and applies to all areas of life.

Exercise can be a wonderful way to bond as a family. Whether it's a family bike ride, a hike, or a weekend sports game, these activities create shared experiences and memories.

  • Quality Time: Working out together provides an opportunity for quality family time, strengthening relationships and creating a sense of togetherness.
  • Mutual Support: Encouraging each other in fitness goals fosters a supportive environment where children feel encouraged and motivated by their parents’ involvement and interest.


The sight of a parent lacing up their running shoes or hitting the gym is more than just a routine; it's a beacon of inspiration for children. It teaches them about the importance of health, the value of hard work, and the joy of achieving goals. By prioritizing fitness, parents do more than improve their own lives—they light the path for their children, guiding them towards a future of health, resilience, and success. So next time you consider skipping your workout, remember: little eyes are watching, and they’re learning from your every move.

ASBBA Martial Arts prides itself in making a difference within Winson Green and Bartley Green communities.

Parents book yourself on for a free trial and if your child is already a member then we have an amazing deal for you

Summerfield Community Centre, Winson Green Rd, Winson Green, B18 4EJ

King Edwards VI School, Scotland Lane, Bartley Green, B32 4BT